Water Treatment Water Treatment

Water Treatment

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Ahhhhh H20, Aqua, Life juice, the very essence of Life. The number 1 most powerful force on earth, and the simplest building block to health and survival. You and Mother Earth have at least one thing in common…you’re both nearly 75% water! Unless you are the only person that can tap into the purest water on earth (less than 3% of all the water on our planet), chances are you will need some type of water treatment to ensure the cleanest water possible. White scale or water spots on your glass, fixtures or shower doors? Chlorine taste? Sulfur smell? You guessed it, we can fix that, too!

Water Testing

No matter how far you want to take the quality of your water, we can test your raw water samples for anything you can imagine. Just want to get rid of the white spots? No problem! pH balance? We got you! Or do you want to ensure that your water supply is the purest as humanly possible? Although we can’t deliver chunks of ice mined from the artic, we can make you think you’re drinking it!!! Let us come help you decide what water treatment system is best for you and your water!

Water Testing

Water Softeners

Most commonly found in well systems, city/municipal water can also be very “hard” water. Typically it can be detected by white/chalky spots on your glass or fixtures, excessive dry skin after bathing, or faulty running faucets or water heaters. This is due to a high mineral content found in the water, usually made up of calcium, different types of magnesium, and irons. Water Softeners are a very effective way to fight the Hard Water battle. Based on the specific characteristics of your water, we can help you choose the right Water Softener that fits your water’s needs!

Water Softeners

Reverse Osmosis (RO) Systems

Reverse osmosis is a water purification process that uses a partially permeable membrane to separate ions, unwanted molecules and larger particles from drinking water. In reverse osmosis, an applied pressure is used to overcome osmotic pressure, a colligative property that is driven by chemical potential differences of the solvent, a thermodynamic parameter. Reverse osmosis can remove many types of dissolved and suspended chemical species as well as biological ones from water, and is used in both industrial processes and the production of potable water. The result is that the solute is retained on the pressurized side of the membrane and the pure solvent is allowed to pass to the other side. To be “selective”, this membrane should not allow large molecules or ions through the pores, but should allow smaller components of the solution to pass freely.

Understand? We didn’t either! Basically, Reverse Osmosis Systems remove EVERYTHING (Good and Bad parts) except 2 parts hydrogen and 1 part oxygen.

Large systems for the whole house or business can be costly but there are many options easier on the wallet as used in smaller, point-of-use areas, such as drinking/cooking water only, ice makers, and beverage dispensers.

Reverse Osmosis (RO) Systems

Water Filters

No matter the size or the source of your water system. Chances are you truly need some type of filtration. From community well systems that need sediment filtration, to simple drinking fountains, to the highest purity filters for the medical water applications, we will provide solutions and options for whatever your water is asking for! Asking what kind of water filter you need is about like kind of ice cream is the best! The possibilities are nearly endless…but we sure are excited about the challenge of the question! We can help.

Water Filters