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Services Services


Contact Us For Assistance Today

Although our name is Zocam, we like to think of ourselves as ZoCAN. The Zocam team has over 150 years of combined experience in the plumbing industry, meaning we can tackle everything from residential and commercial projects to routine maintenance and service.

Water and Sewer Mains

Water and Sewer Mains

A sewer line clog might be unseen, but it can cause extensive damage inside a home. Warning signs suck as water going down one drain and backing up in another —

  • Video inspection
  • Repairs & Replacements
  • Leak Detection
Water Heaters

Water Heaters

When was the last time you had your water heater service? Did you know this should be done once a year, per the manufacturer, to ensure your warranty stays valid? Whether you want to replace your current water heater tank, show an increase in your power bill that needs be checked out or want to go completely tankless and never run out of hot water again, plus save on your water and electricity bill.

  • Tankless Water Heaters
  • Repair & Replacement
  • Standard Water Heaters
  • Preventative Maintenance
Water Treatment

Water Treatment

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  • Water Testing
  • Reverse Osmosis (RO) Systems
  • Water Softeners
  • Water Filters
Kitchen and Bath Fixtures

Kitchen and Bath Fixtures

Products from a professional plumbing supply like Zocam Plumbing are superior to big box store fixtures. If you want quality fixtures that will last and installed properly - we will give you peace of mind! The same model no at a big box store has the potential to have plastic parts vs professional that use ceramic, brass or other metals. Don't pay for it twice - call us once!

  • Sales & Installation
  • Repair & Replacement